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What Is Full Service Property Management?

What Is Full Service Property Management?

We're all looking for ways to earn more money. Many people have a side hustle to bring in extra money. Other people look for new jobs that pay more than the job they have now.

San Diego Residential real estate investment is an excellent way to bring in extra money. 

If you rent to tenants, you bring in a steady stream of extra money each month. Plus, when the value of your property appreciates, you can sell it for a profit. 

If all you want to do is rent to tenants, there's a lot to handle. Full service property management is a great way to keep your properties running. If you don't know what it is, keep reading to learn more.

What Full Service Property Management Does

Full service property management takes care of the day-to-day tasks involved in managing a property. Think of yourself as a business owner and a property management company as your managers. You pay them for their services and reap the profits from your real estate property.

Here is what a full service property management agency can do for you.

Market Your Home

To get potential tenants to notice your San Diego property, it has to receive marketing. It's a vital, time-consuming task, but your property management firm will handle that. 

Marketing consists of more than posting it online. They will manage your calendars and listings. They will also email past and potential tenants. 

They will also post about it on social media. 

Take Tenant Calls

If something happens in your rental property, tenants want to know you'll be there to address the problem. If something like the heat goes out, or the property suffers damage, you need to be available — no matter the time of day

A property manager will take on that responsibility so you don't have to answer calls in the middle of the night. 

Tenant Screening

You might be eager to move tenants into your property, but you'll want to ensure that those tenants are reliable. A full service property management agency will conduct tenant screenings to find the best tenants.

They will look into their rental history, credit history, and criminal record. This process can take a lot of time, but this is another thing you won't have to worry about.

They Handle Property Cleaning

San Diego Property management firms need plenty of resources to keep rental properties in the best shape. One of the resources at their disposal is a cleaning service. 

Clean, sanitary grounds make your property look good, which will make tenants feel at home. They will also handle cleaning once tenants vacate their rental. 

Penny Realty is Your Property Management Resource

Owning a property entails a lot of work. If you own a property but are unsure of what you need to do, full service property management can handle the day-to-day management of your property.

They will interact with tenants, keep your property clean, and market your property. 

If you own a rental property, enlist Penny Realty as your San Diego property management firm. Not only will we handle the management of your property, but we will also handle the financial aspects as well. We also include monthly financial reports for owners.

Contact us today to get started. 
